venerdì 30 marzo 2012

Lettera di un collega importatore del Canada a proposito del brutto tempo in Perù

Just back from Peru. it is much worse than I could imagine. So much water on the ground, huge thunderstorms develop every day from the water. Rains continue every day and rivers are still all flooding. I had to drive through rivers over a meter deep to get places, even to Chulucanas and Tambo Grande.  And as we were leaving, the news was arriving about the worst flooding that happened on Sunday, even worse than anything in the last 6 weeks.
People are starving.  We donated $30,000 when we were there, but it is just a drop in the bucket.  They need dramatic help.  BOS alone has 56 growers who have no income.  The banana plants have been under water for a long time and have died - the leaves are yellow.  It made us cry.   I will send you pictures.  We have both done so much good work in that area, and we shouldn't be the only ones to help - when big companies and the government are turning their back and not helping, and the growers who are OK still all lost money and can't help the other growers.  BOS is in dissaray at every level. It is crisis management every day.
We are starting a campaign today with all our customers, banks, everyone we work like all our NGO's and the 200 companies we do business with - big farms, trucking companies etc.  I am sending out a plea for money to over 1000 contacts I have.  Maybe you should involved all your clients in Italy and not pushing alone as OrganicSur or Franco De Panfilis this situation! 

I am very worried for all the growers - this is terrible for everyone.  We drove by plantations of grapes under water also.

This is the link to the Tumbes flooding that started two days ago.

In solidarity

Randy Hooper
Managing Director
Discovery Organics
2635 Kaslo Street
Vancouver Canada V5M 3G9
604 299 1684 / 604 841 5186

Chi volesse aderire con un proprio contributo all'emergenza in Perù può farlo direttamente su:
BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE PERU INTERBANK  - c/c 003-732-003000624573-59  -  codice BIC BINPPEPL

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